Cuttle Cards is an open source project powered by a small discord community, a handful of engineers and designers, and a fun little game. I was asked to help in any capacity with designs for this game and wanted to start with an area that I thought needed the most improvement: user onboarding.



Lead Product Designer

Design Systems


4 weeks

How might we improve the sign up experience for new users?



I started with a usability audit of the entire site, identifying areas where pain points, confusion, or suspicion might arise.

When I signed up for the first time the process was easy enough, but without context from the creator - I probably would not have signed up because the initial design felt a bit rough and unpolished.

Because the goal of the creators is framed around growing the community, I wanted to focus on the new user.


You will likely not be able to play unless you are part of the Discord group

Currently the only button to find the Discord server was in the lobby page, and it was nearly invisible

When you come to Cuttle for the first time, the login page appears first instead of sign-up

We want to keep the sign up at the forefront and put the login behind the tertiary button instead

The rules need to be accessed through a button below a large paragraph

Bring the rules button further up in hierarchy to help people

Design Solutions

  • I added some friendly copy through a large welcome title along with a short tag line to quickly introduce the game

  • The video from the rules page was brought to the front page.

  • I moved rules button further up the screen to help users to access it easier

  • For the sign-up section, I instilled a more harmonious design using an 8px scale and colors that matched the game view theme

  • Made the sign up page appear first and provided a tertiary link for users who want to sign in

  • For engineering: communicated to send users straight to login screen if they had come to the site before

  • Added a larger, brand-oriented Discord button, helping signal users to join the community before even signing up


Launching a Product Platform